
Official Alumni Association of Riverview High School

Royals Logo

Our Story

About Friends of the Royals Association

The Friends of the Royals is synonymous with excellence in alumni connections, event organization, fundraising prowess, and community impact. The association’s hallmark scholarship program uplifts deserving students, creating a lasting legacy of support and empowerment.

Our Mission

Our Purpose

Empowering future generations through alumni connections, community engagement, and impactful scholarships.

Our Value

Our Values

Committed to camaraderie, philanthropy, integrity, and fostering a culture of generosity and support.

Our Legacy

Chronicles of Friends of the Royals

Founded in Riverview, New Brunswick, Friends of the Royals has been a beacon of camaraderie and altruism since its inception. With a rich history of pioneering alumni initiatives, impactful fundraising, and community projects, the association continues to enhance the lives of students and uphold a legacy of excellence.


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Be part of a legacy that fosters connections, empowers students, and creates a lasting impact. Join Friends of the Royals now!

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